Sauna + Detox
Your body is already wonderfully set up to process, filter and eliminate toxins. Your kidneys, liver and lymphatic system are just some...
Sauna + Detox
The Reconnect Ritual
Muscle Recovery
Complementing your treatment: Should you sauna before or after?
Sauna and Colour Therapy
Sauna positioning- what's best for you?
The Benefits of Gentle Sauna Sessions: Why Hotter Isn't Always Better
The Benefits of Using Infrared Sauna for Better Sleep Quality
How to Enjoy Your Sauna Experience in the Summer Heat
10 Self-Care Tips to get you to the end of the year
How Often Should You Use an Infrared Sauna for Optimal Health Benefits?
Pain & Inflammation
Piriformis Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Chronic Pain!